How to improve your faith in God and live a peaceful life
“What you seek is seeking you.” -Rumi
When I first heard this sentence, I didn’t quite understand what that meant. But life has taught me what that actually means.
In 2020, many people asked me how did I get into a plane in the midst of pandemic, how did I accept to stay/being quarantined in a dormitory room for 14 days without leaving the room, and many people asked me how did I kept my joy alive even when almost everything that I built in 4 years was removed from my life…
In this blog, I’m going to share with you something that it took me so long to accept and it is something that can change your life into a peaceful life.
If you know me and read my blogs you know my journey of moving to the U.S. in 2016 to discover myself and my life path neither knowing anyone nor speaking the language. I wanted to be a Motivational Speaker and own an international business. You can kind of picture the hardship I put myself into. Even though it looks like a big move, it seems that only a person who has faith can handle it, right? However at that time, I was not a huge believer yet and I was in a position where I wanted to start over my life. Meaning I wanted to discover anything and everything about myself and my life. And this also included the highest power, God. So I said this to myself “I don’t believe anything and I am no one. I’m on a path to discover and explore anything and everything about myself and life…”
I did struggle but I built a life that I dreamt of in the U.S. in the 4 year period. Here is a short brief for you that I didn’t share this much detailed before:
I studied English in two language schools in Los Angeles. Meanwhile I worked with a professional life coach and motivational speaker for a year as a Marketing Communications Specialist.
Then, I got an acceptance from the University of California, Irvine and graduated in Digital Marketing, Media and Global Communications post-graduate certification programs in 2017. I also started seeking my speaking career by joining a Toastmasters Club. Since 2018, I couldn’t stop going to that club.
After I graduated, I worked in an American Marketing Agency as a Marketing Specialist while building my own business and continuously studying psychology and attending tons of seminars about self-improvement. I’ve also started working with several entrepreneurs including life coaches, speakers, authors and trainers as a freelancer helping them to improve their digital presence and passion for their business so that they could create remarkable success in life. Then, in 2019 I launched my own business called Joyy! Marketing and Coaching in Tustin/California. Until April, 2020, I delivered several speeches and hosted workshops both in the U.S. and Turkey in personal growth and marketing. So I became who I wanted to become 4 years ago. I also created an amazing community in the U.S. who is full of support and love for me. They are my friends like family ❤
I didn’t mention my hardships here, I’ll only mention the last portion of it to show you how faith saved me… Because if I didn’t keep doing what I dreamt to do and build my faith in God, none of those would happen in my life.
In 2020
You all experienced the pandemic, coronavirus, at some level. To me it was the tool to finally accept God and trust his plan for me.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, the life I created started falling apart. I first started struggling with finances, got a second then a third job. Continued to push myself to make it work but in February I got sick, very sick that I couldn’t get well for 2 months. I also was getting destroyed physically and mentally that I wasn’t aware of for so long. I only kept working and pushing through that I could make everything work. I continued working for long hours, serving my clients, surviving and living by myself. I probably could have continued that journey if the pandemic hadn’t happened. In March, we had a lockdown and things only got worse for me. The fear and anxiety was added on top of everything I was dealing with. I was worried about my parents who live in Turkey and I was also scared to not be able to go back to Turkey to see them. In April, I had to make the most painful decision for me at that time and that was burning the boat in the U.S. and going back to Turkey. You can read more miracles in this blog about how my move was the best decision for me.
How was I able to make that move?
With F A I T H… Of course I tried everything to stay and keep everything alive in the U.S. but I finally heard God was speaking to me. And he had been seeking me since the beginning of my journey. God was speaking to me in many forms. He appeared as my friends, he appeared in my dreams and said “You need to be home, Turkey, for this uncertain time. You need to go back to your comfort zone for a while because you are not well.” And, I really wasn’t. I was really sick and emotionally exhausted. However, I was trying to ignore that fact until I had nothing left to do but accept.
When I accepted it and said “Ok. I’m going back home but show me that it’s the right decision and help me to arrange things smoothly like selling my car, organizing everything that I need to do legally before leaving the country…”
From that moment, miracles started happening. I was able to get into the salvation flight to Turkey. I was able to sell my car, pay all my debts, pack my things and set myself free from all the struggle I experienced. I believed that moving back to Turkey was the best path for me to continue making my dreams come true.
How you can trust and believe that God always has a better plan for you
The very first thing is, acceptance. Let things happen. When something doesn’t work out in a way you wanted, let it not. If something works out, let it happen. Sometimes, we can only do so much to make things turn out in a way we dreamt them to be. We never know what the best plan for us is. So what we can do is to go with the flow. At least work on it. I know it is not easy to just let things happen or not happen in your life. But when you get out of God’s way, then you’ll experience miraculous things in your life. :)
Surrounding. Surround yourself with faithful people. You can start hanging out with people who are believers and spend more quiet time with yourself.
Improving your faith. This doesn’t happen overnight. You cannot just wake up one day and become a believer. But it will happen slowly in your heart by practicing small things every single day. Surrounding is one of them. Also work harder for your dreams, help more people, become healthier…etc. You will experience that your faith will improve.
Showing up. Never stop what you are meant to do. Keep showing up, keep following your heart and your dreams. God sees your effort and trusts his timing.
Talking with God. This might sound a little odd but this is what I do and it works. :) What you want to do is simple, just get it out how you feel and how you want to feel. Imagine that God is your most helpful friend and he is. Ask him for guidance, ask his help, love him and ask his love. This will relieve your stress level and help you to believe in him more.
I hope this blog inspires you to create and/or improve your relationship with God.
Reach out to me if you have more questions and/or you need deeper guidance for your path and we can make it happen together.