How to Move from Rage to Relief
You need to rage hard! Yes, you read it right. “I” said that. I know what you are thinking: “aren’t we supposed to think positive and spread positivity around?” YES but…
Let me get clear here and tell you why.
You may have people and experiences in your life that don’t make you feel good. You may get angry, you want to punch somebody, you want to scream, you want to leave, you want to quit, you want all the opposite experiences but the one you currently have…
Haven’t you had a time when you talked to your friend and vented a lot then you ended up feeling awesome?!
Those experiences that made you rage are in your life to teach you something. And you are supposed to learn from that experience.
This is a super normal behavior as a human being. You are unique and very different from anyone around you. Therefore, it’s natural for you to feel not aligned with some people and the experience you have to go through sometimes. So what do you do? RAGE.😎
What does rage actually mean?
Let’s look at the meaning from nature. Storm is a synonym of rage.
If we look at what the storm means, “A storm is any disturbed state of an environment or in an astronomical body’s atmosphere especially affecting its surface, and strongly implying severe weather.” I want you to focus on the bold phrase there, it affects its surface. This is like when we rage. It is not necessarily a huge and deep feeling where we can kill somebody but we feel a big fever in our body and have a need to unleash that before it explodes in us, yeah?
Let’s continue looking at the meaning of the storm. The dictionary also mentions that the English storm word means noise. I want you to think about rage as a noise in our head that affects our body by increasing our blood pressure.
What happens after the storm? Many articles mention that it has some benefits as well as harm. One article caught my attention and here is a paragraph from it “Although it seems impossible or difficult to believe, some tropical cyclones can have positive effects on land and oceans. For example: they bring rainfall to areas of drought, increase the flow of rivers and streams dragging waste, recharge aquifers, help balance heat in the oceans and drag nutrients into the sea.” If you are interested in this article, you can read more about it here. But the reason why I wrote it here is to apply rage, which is our topic.
When we rage, it is like a storm where it can be harmful but it will leave some benefits if we use it in our favor. The difference between a storm and the rage is we can control the rage whereas we can’t control the storm. So as we can control the rage and it might have some benefits, let’s take advantage of it. Shall we? 🤗
Rage will lead us to a relieving stage. Rage can bring a rainfall into our lives; meaning we can build a new version of ourselves. We don’t need to be triggered by the same thing that led us to rage. We can work on being better every day. We can choose to feel good!
My dear spiritual teacher Gabrielle Bernstein has a great technique about choosing again.
Step 1: Notice the thought
Ask yourself this “How do I feel right now?” and write down your answer in your journal or on a piece of paper.
Step 2: Forgive the thought
Say this prayer “Thank you for revealing to me what I don’t want so that I can clarify what I do want.”
Step 3: Choose Again
Answer this question on a piece of paper “What is the best-feeling thought I can find right now?
You can read the whole article here.
Let’s talk about how to release rage in your favor
Rage is not the only way to relieve your rage, anger or frustration. And I only recommend raging in a proper way and I will explain more in detail about how you can rage in your favor below.
First of all here below some proven techniques that will help you to feel better when you are in a bad mood:
- Meditation: I do Transcendental Meditation (TM) for 20 min. You can do some guided ones, or just sit in silence for a few minutes to allow your body to relax.
- Journaling: A great way to unleash your thoughts on a piece of paper or you can use your computer.
- Listening to music: Music is soul food. When you listen to music, it’ll change your mood easily. But make sure you listen to the songs that give you positivity not taking you to more sadness.
- Moving your body: You can do dancing, work out, walking in nature… When we move, our energy changes and we start feeling better and better each time we receive more dopamine.
- Communicating: Easiest way! Find a friend and just talk to them. You can listen to them as well and listening to somebody also helps us to change our mood because we start focusing on something else versus our own mind. (you can rage a little bit with your friend too😎)
You can find whatever works better for you from above. And whatever you choose, make sure to check yourself. Did it change your mood in a better way or not.
Here are some tricks, my friend, before you rage:
- Don’t rage all the time!
- Don’t rage to anyone
- Rage it and leave it in peace
- Rage but learn from the experience
- Rage to change
You need to use rage in your favor, so don’t rage all the time to stay in a bad mood. Rage and then move to a better feeling. And also don’t rage at anyone, have a friend for it :) (Rage friend) I know you do have those people who you call and just unleash your frustration and they patiently listen to you and give you good advice. If you don’t have anyone, then feel free to contact me :) When you rage, remember to leave it in peace. Stop talking about it and focus on the next thing in your day. Don’t forget to learn from that experience! Remember those experiences that make us feel like crap are there to help us grow. So learn from it, and lean into change.
Lastly, use rage in your favor and you will be relieved…
Don’t forget to share this blog to someone who can benefit from it and share your thoughts with me!🤗