The Magic of Setting Intentions for a Life Filled with Positivity and Purpose
When you feel overwhelmed or when you have a stressful event in your personal or professional life, intention setting is an amazing tool that you can use to welcome positivity and release negativity
So what is setting intentions? What does it actually mean?
Setting an intention means consciously defining a specific goal that you want to achieve or manifest in your life. It’s a mental and emotional commitment to a desired outcome.
Why would you need to set an intention?
To feel calmer, more confident, and, most importantly, clearer on your goal or dream, and to remove all the negative emotions around it.
When you set an intention, you are essentially focusing on your thoughts, actions, and energy towards a particular objective. In other words, it is a tool for you to be clear, calm and more confident about what you want in a future event. It sets you free from feeling overwhelmed about the event and/or it helps you to release your expectations around that. Intentions can be seen as a GPS that can lead you to where you want to be. Because you are moving your energy into what you want and not what you don’t want. Here is a recent and a real story from my life.
I got married in April 2023 and on Sep 21, 2023 I had my wedding ceremony. So why two dates? Let’s start the story from the beginning.
In 2022, I was already engaged with my husband and living in Turkey. My husband got a job offer in Hungary and he moved there to settle and get his visa before I moved in with him. Our plan was for me to go to Hungary in December and get married in January, 2023. But God’s plan was different and his mom who had cancer got worse in December and we lost her in January, 2023. Of course everything we had planned was canceled and we didn’t talk about marriage for a while. Days passed and my husband got settled in Hungary. We were ready to move forward in our life. We decided to get married first for me to be able to get my visa and residence in Hungary and then we were going to have our wedding ceremony in September. In April, 2023 we got things ready and got married in Budapest, Hungary. I had to tell this part of the story for you to better understand the following part and how important it was for me to set an intention. I went back to Turkey in May to apply for a visa this time as my husband’s wife and to start getting ready for the wedding ceremony. In June I was able to get the visa and went to Hungary. While I was in Hungary, I was doing my best to organize the wedding ceremony. Finally my residence arrived and my husband and I went to Turkey in August. I was going to stay but after a week my husband was going to go back to Hungary until the wedding day. So imagine, I had only one month to get things ready for 3 ceremonies, additionally organizing my guests accommodations, getting my wedding dress ready, wedding venue, orchestra, decoration, wedding invitations, calling people… lots and lots. If you are a woman and married, you probably got my feelings right now. Even if you are not a woman, I am sure you already felt overwhelmed from reading this. Did you?
Now imagine my wedding ceremony is a week away and we still have things to deal with (Sep, 14). That morning, I found myself absolutely freaking out. I was feeling so overwhelmed, anxious and just out of control even though I was also excited for my big day. At that moment, I decided to set an intention for my wedding day. I told myself no more stress and anxiety, it’s time to relieve all that negativity and welcome the positivity. I’ve been witnessing the same stress in my parents, so I called my mom and father to set an intention with me. I told them to sit, I sat with them as well. Then I grabbed pens and papers for us and said “Ok. Let’s write down our intentions for the wedding day. I want you to write down how you want to feel, how you want the day to be and who you want to see on my wedding day.” First, they looked at me with blank eyes but then I saw them writing down… I wrote down how I want to experience my wedding day, how I want to feel, and who I want to see around me… It felt good to me and I felt the same from my parents’ presence, too.
My wedding day arrived!! I was so excited but more confident on what I had done and what’s going to happen with ease for all of us. I was relaxed and trusted that God, The Universe, whatever you call it, would take care of the rest for me. And it did! My wedding day was miraculous. People were so positive and welcoming. My husband and I had so much fun and we didn’t realize what went in a different direction from our actual plan. We didn’t care about what could have been done better or who could have come to our wedding ceremony. I was so in the mood to enjoy the best day of our lives.
How can you set an intention?
Setting an intention starts with a desire. You need to have a desire to feel good and have the courage to take action for it.
You probably can grab a lot of information from what I already wrote in my story. But I’ll give you the steps that you can follow easily when you set an intention.
Here are the steps when you set an intention:
1. Be still: Being still puts you in a mood to receive and relieve all the negative emotions.
2. Feel how you feel: Feeling the way you feel is important for you to be aware of your current state and move towards a better feeling.
3. Think about your future event. How you feel about it now and how you really want to feel about it: It is crucial to visualize our future events and feel the way we want to feel.
4. Write down your desire about your future event, write down how you want to feel, who you want to be with, how you want that event to be: Writing your desires with positive thoughts relaxes you about the experience and helps your brain believe what’s going to happen.
5. Read what you wrote, feel it, visualize it: Visualization is so powerful in making us believe that it’s going to happen! Feeling is another essential aspect to truly prepare us for experiencing what’s going to happen beforehand.
6. Most importantly believe it and own it: Belief is the key to making things happen. When you believe in something, the universe rearranges things for you to attain it. Just believe and own it, no matter what.
7. Let go of any expectations you have around certain details and accept what’s going to happen is the best thing for the highest good for all. This is the most important step! You have to let go of all the expectations you have. Sometimes what you think and plan is not what’s best for you. So trust that what’s best is going to happen. Accept what’s going to unfold for you. Trust yourself that you did what you could.
After reading this blog, think about setting intentions in your day to day life. You will feel better already, you can become more open for what’s going to unfold for you. You will welcome what’s coming for you instead of what you think is best to happen. When you are open to receiving, what’s of the highest good for all happens. When you are being open, you will never feel disappointed or you will never suffer. Because you already accept that what will happen is the best thing for you and everyone around you.
Remember, you, I, we, everyone on this earth are just having a human experience. You are not your experiences, you are not your emotions, you are you as a pure spirit who is just having some fun here by experiencing how human life is.
If you want to take a free pre-intention setting session with me, click here to schedule a time.
Until next time stay with joy!
Burcu Onaranel-Erten